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Environmental Flow Physics Lab

EFPL @ Columbia University

Our group explores fundamental and applied problems in fluid dynamics and turbulence, with an emphasis on environmental flows. We focus on challenges related to atmospheric boundary layer flow phenomena and wind engineering, using supercomputers and physics-data driven methods.

Our research spans various domains, encompassing turbulence and turbulent transport in urban and plant canopies, urban and complex-terrain meteorology, air-sea interaction, and hurricane boundary layer dynamics.

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Public and Private Partnerships

The Environmental Flow Physics Laboratory collaborates with governmental agencies and industry partners to address complex engineering challenges and drive discovery in the geosciences. We aim to advance the understanding of nature and our interaction with the environment. We are grateful for the generous support from the Army Research Office, the Office of Naval Research, the National Institute for Standards and Technology, Amazon.com Inc., Columbia University, and ACCESS (for high-performance computing resources).

Dr. Marco G. Giometto

Seeley W. Mudd Building, Room 638
500 W. 120th Steet, New York, NY 10027
Tel (212) 853-1799

Seeley W. Mudd Building, Room 610
500 W. 120th Steet, New York, NY 10027
Tel (212) 854-2993

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